Father Adam Park Provides an Overview of Catholic Baptism

Father Adam Park Catholic

Father Adam Park is always deeply honored when he is able to perform the sacrament of Baptism. As the first sacrament, Baptism is a welcoming into the Catholic faith. Regardless of the age of the recipient, they are officially a member of the Catholic Church. Through the sacrament of Baptism, the Holy Spirit starts to dwell in a person. Today, Father Adam Park will provide an overview of Baptism for those interested in learning more.

When discussing any Catholic sacrament, both form and matter must be considered. Form and matter in the sacrament world refers to the words said by the officiant and the materials used to complete the sacrament. Form in a Baptism ceremony is the provider of the sacrament saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The matter, of course, is the water poured over the head of the recipient. There are usually Godparents, a baptismal candle, and vows rejecting Satan during a Baptism ceremony, but these elements are not required in the event of an emergency baptism.

Father Adam Park notes that Baptism forgives all sins committed before the sacrament, which includes original sin, mortal sin, and venial sin. It is a rebirth for the person who receives the sacrament. Father Adam Park always liked the way St. Paul describes Baptism in the scriptures, “the first installment of our inheritance toward redemption as God’s possession, to the praise of his glory.” In other words, it sets a person on a course to practice their faith and one day rejoin their Lord in the kingdom of heaven. Parents who bring their child to a Baptism ceremony are providing their child with an incredible gift that is only possible through the Grace of God.

Every element of a traditional Baptism ceremony holds very specific meaning. For instance, most churches will have a Baptismal font where it holds holy water and conduct baptisms. The early years of the church had people receiving their baptisms in lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans. While the main baptismal font is typically present near the altar to serve as a reminder of it welcoming people into the church, there are typically smaller holy water fonts by the doors of the church so that people can bless themselves upon entering and exiting the church. The water itself is a symbol of the cleansing away of sin and of a new birth within the church.

Father Adam Park notes that many don’t understand why babies wear a white gown for their baptism ceremony. White is a symbol of being cleansed from sin and represents being clothed with Christ. The baptismal candle is a symbol of the flame of faith. Godparents take on the responsibility of helping the person being baptized nurture that flame by committing to grow their faith.

Finally, the sacrament will include Chrism oil and oil of the Catechumens. The oil of the Catechumens is used at the beginning of the ceremony to prepare the recipient for the sacrament. The chrism, which will be seen again at Confirmation, is a holy oil that anoints the recipient as a member of the Church consecrating the baptized to God.

Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches. It is indispensable for a person growing in their life of faith and relationship with God. Father Adam Park hopes that this overview provides a clearer understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism.

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